
Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Introduction - It serves different classes of people - It plays the role of check and balance - It moulds public opinion - Other utilities.

Information received from different quarters is, fact, treated as news. A newspaper is, thus, paper which contains the most important of such news and carries them to the people in general. It may be called a summary of the important current events.
The newspaper is very important in the life of a civilized nation. It is the medium through which public opinion is expressed. It circulates news and views in which different classes of people are interested. Thus, the teachers, doctors, lawyers, traders, sportsmen, even the children find in it some items of information that interest them.
The main object of the newspaper is to serve and be helpful to all classes of people. The newspaper has a magazine section which contains stories and thoughtful articles. On important occasions, such as independence Day, it has supplements. These contain articles which illustrate the occasion in question from different angles of vision. The most important part of a newspaper is its editorial. It throws light on national and international issues. The newspaper has also a section called “Letters to the Editor”. It provides an opportunity to the people to express their personal views on subjects of their choice having public interest. Through these they can ventilate their grievances and demands.

The newspaper plays the role of check and balance. It is the best media through which the policies of the government are criticized. The criticism through newspapers is a great check on the government and anti-government elements. In this way the newspaper teaches us a lesson of healthy criticism and keep us well-informed of all the social and political affairs of the world. The reports of oppression and repression published in newspapers immediately make the Government take necessary steps for enquiry and redress of grievances.

the newspaper is a powerful means for propagating political views and moulding the opinions of the people towards certain ends. In fact, great change in the administration of a country may be made through the agency of newspapers. It also makes people conscious of their rights and duties and teach them how to protect their rights, Probably the greatest value of newspapers is that they develop and spread knowledge. Through the newspaper we come to know about the views of great thinkers and social reformers.

Publicity is an essential condition of modern trade and industry. But this can not be fruitfully done privately. Here the newspapers are of great help. It promotes trade and commerce and help in the economic development of the country. The advertisements published in the newspapers give widest publicity regarding commercial concerns.


A good character is a fortune in itself - Man makes the character - Good character more precious than rubies.

When wealth is lost, nothing is lost
When health is lost, much is lost,
But when character is lost, everything is lost.

If YOU would get on in the world, you must form and maintain a spotless character. A good character is a fortune in itself. It is one of the great essentja1 to our success in life. An American writer has eloquently said, “it is a mighty and glorious fact that every man is the author of his Own character” But a noble character is not made in a moment or with little effort. it is the reward of constant and well- directed labor. We are the architects of our own character. Our mental Powers must be cultivated Plant the seeds, and tend them well, and they will ‘make an orchard. Cultuvate the powers and they will make a noble character The germ is not the tree, the acorn is not the oak neither is the mind a character

God gives the mind, man makes the character The mind is the garden, character is the fruit, the mind is the

white page, the character is the writing we put upon it; the mind is the metallic plate, the character is our engraving thereon.
The mind is the shop, character is our profits on the trade. Large profits are made from quick sales and small percentages, — so great characters are made by many little acts and efforts. The secret thoughts never expressed, the lie never told for want of courage, are just as effectual in staining the character as though the world knew all about them. A good character is more precious, than are rubies, gold, crowns or kingdoms, and the work of making it is the noblest labour upon earth.


Introduction- Definition of a gentleman - His characteristics

We often say, so and so is a gentleman, or so and so is not a gentleman. We make this sweeping remark on the basis of his pleasing or displeasing us. If a man pleases us, he is gentleman; if he does not, he is not a gentleman. But can this be the standard of judging a man as gentle or not gentle? If a man fails to please us, can he not be a gentleman? If we approach a man for some donations for our proposed picnic and if he refuses us to pay anything will he cease to be a gentleman? Certainly not. Who, then, is a gentleman?

The original meaning if the word gentle is noble or well-bred. So originally a man was considered as a gentleman who by birth and training, belonged to the upper class. Because the social manners of the upper class as compared with those of the lower class were refined, any man, having reined taste and manners came, in course of time, to he regarded as a gentleman. This sense of the gentleman is till continuing, whether he comes of a noble family or not. Now the word gentlemanliness means refined outward behavior. So a man of refined outward behavior is a gentleman.
But what are the signs of refinement which distinguish a gentleman from one who is not? The special characteristics of a gentleman are as follows:

A gentleman should have a fine character, that is, he should be polite and courteous in his behavior. But this should not be an outward show for winning respect and admiration. This should spring from the goodness of his heart. He is by nature tender at heart and thinks of the feelings, comfort and happiness of others before his own.
Humility is another characteristic of the gentleman. He is never proud of his birth, learning, position or wealth. In other words, he is absolutely free from all sense of vanity

A gentleman scrupulously abhors and avoids the show of any of his powers Thus while doing favors to others, he avoids making much of them.

Pleasantness in manners and dealings is another characteristic of a gentle. In his dealings with others he is always pleasant ordinarily he does not use harsh Words to anybody. But when he is compelled to use such words, he does not make them harsher or severer than it is necessary.

A true gent1e has a cheerful disposition and, with a smile on his lips, deals with others.


Introduction - History - Definition - Its charms kinds of music - Effect of music - Conclusion.

There is no place upon the face of the earth where people do not sing and where music is not treated as an art. Excepting only a few, all the others love music and think it as a part and parcel of their life. No music, no refinement, no culture so they think.

In the primitive age when man had no learning, no culture, when he was as wild as the other wild and ferocious animals, he sang— he sang to give out his mind, to express his feelings, whether of joy or sorrow. Music was his language in and through which he expressed how he felt. He heard the clouds thunder, saw the waves howl and found all nature expressing itself in thousand and one ways. This made him wild in an excess of feeling and he sang— sang out of the gladness of his heart.
How old music is, nobody can say. The history of human civilization has a long record of music. It is said about Orpheus that when he played on his flute, even the beasts and birds assembled to hear him. It is narrated in the Bible that when King Saul was possessed of ghosts and lost his consciousness, David restored it by playing on his heart.

The definition of music can be gathered from what has been said above. Music is nothing but a succession of harmonious sounds, vocal or instrumental. So a song (solo or chorus) comes under the category of music as does an instrumental concert. We may briefly say that any kind of melodious sounds, producing a pleasing effect upon the mind may be termed as music.

Music has appeal to the feelings. It rouses our feelings and emotions and make us forget our joys and sorrows so long as we listen to it. Its poetic jinglings and measured tunes stir the inmost depths of our heart and make us one with them. It woulds enormous power on our heart which nothing else can. This power of music made the children of Hemmelin dance in thrilling joy and disappear with the Pied Piper, leaving their all behind. It is said that some wild animals like the tiger and the deer and even the venomous serpent are moved by music.

The kinds of music is many and various. Of these mention may be made of only some. The martial music stirs the patriotic feelings of men and even causes them to leave their hearth and home and go to the battle-field to court death; religious songs make us pure, honest and religious-minded; the pathetic songs bring tears to our eyes; the love-songs enthral our heart with feelings for union or separation.
Music, as has been pointed out before; touches the softest cords of our heart. It is the food for our heart in our joys and sorrows: it satisfies the heart-hunger of all. This is why it is an object of endearment to all and is cultivated all over the world.


Introduction - Social service is a duty - Conclusion.

A man lives for himself. He thinks and acts to make his own self secure, comfortable and happy. His natural instinct of self-preservation makes him behave in this way. But he becomes truly human only when he tries to make others secure, comfortable and happy. To go beyond one’s own self and serve others is social service. Such statements as “To serve humanity is to service God” and “Service before Self”, bring out the important of social service.

Social service is a duty. From birth to death, individual man goes on receiving things from society. He is in debt to society. It is clearly his duty to try to pay up this debt, to return what he had received of course, the debt is so heavy that it can never be fully paid up. Social service is a way of giving back to society a tiny portion of what one has taken from it. The world is full of poverty, disease, and suffering. There are opportunities for social service everywhere. To raise a fallen man is a social service; to help an old lady out of a bus is social service; to take a blind man across a road is social service. Such acts puts sunshine into a dark life.

There are many inspiring examples of social and humanitarian service. Florence Nightingale, the Lady of the Lamp, gave a new turn to nursing by her selfless service to the sick and dying. Madam Curie dedicated her life to the task of making science serve mankind. Domien died a leper in the service of lepers. Albert Schewitzer gave up a bright career and spent his whole life serving the ailing in French Equatorial Africa. Jean Henri Dunani founded the Red Cross organisation but died a poor man. Badan Powell, though dead, is still serving the world, through the Boys Scout Movement. Even our self-interest should make us serve others. For we rise or fall with our society. Individual happiness depends upon social happiness. If every one tries to make everyone else happy, everyone will find himself made happy. If we all stop throwing banana-skins on roads, no one will break his bones through a banana-skin.

Finally, social service is a great educational discipline. It lifts us out of our petty selves. It elevates our minds, hearts and spirit. It is spiritual training. It makes our lives richer and fuller. It gives us profound spiritual satisfaction and makes us really and truly happy. There is no greater happiness than the happiness that comes to us through the happiness of others.


Introduction - A servant of the countrymen - Top priority to the economic development - Education - To make Pakistan a truly Islamic state - Conclusion.

The saying “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown” occurs in Shakespeare’s drama. In modern days “The head that wears a crown” stands for person who occupies a position of authority and power. The life of the head of state is not a bed of roses. In fact, it is a burden of responsibilities. If I become the head of the state of Pakistan, I shall leave no stone unturned to convert it into a welfare state based upon the lofty principles of Islam.

A really responsible person has very little time to think for himself. He is all the time concerned with the comforts and well-being of those who are dependent on him. On becoming the head of the state I shall consider myself as a servant of my countrymen and not their master. I shall work with all sincerity for the progress and prosperity of the country. But this is not an easy task to achieve. Firstly, I shall improve the administration of the country. Appointments will be made purely on the basis of merit. Inefficient and corrupt officers will have no place in my administration. Bribe and corruption in administration will be severely dealth with. For the proper implementation of my plans I shall have to choose with great care and caution a devoted and selfless team of ministers and high officers.

My administration will give top priority to the economic development of the country. My aim will be to wipe out poverty from Pakistan. For this purpose large scale reforms will be introduced in all sectors of economic activities. Mechanized farming on a large scale will be adopted throughout the country so that Pakistan may become self- sufficient in food. Growth of industries will be encouraged. The natural resources and manpower of the country shall be f Lilly exploited. I shall ban the import of all articles of luxury. Simple living will be popularized. Economic justice will be done to all.

Education will receive due attention of my government. I shall make all possible efforts to wipe out illiteracy from the country. Technical and scientific education will be given top priority. Education will be made free upto Intermediate level. For making and shaping of a well developed society, basic and higher education is the sheet anchor for the people.

It will be my Endeavour to make Pakistan a truly Islamic state where justice will be done to all irrespective of caste, creed or color. Judiciary will be made quite independent of the executive. Law and order will be maintained throughout the country at all cost. Efforts will be made to better the police administration. Criminals will be severely dealth with. Freedom of speech will be granted. Press will be made free.

In short, I shall do my best to make Pakistan a safe abode for all where peace, progress and prosperity will prevail.